Bodyscans testimonial by Joda, B.S.T.
I was scanned on EAV equipment 6 years ago and was totally blown away, but I have always wanted more. Then I heard about BodyScan. IABP was there with the training. I couldn’t be doing this without the great support the Phazx and IABP gives me. Back to Main Testimonials Page for Bodyscan2010Ayurvedic Medicine | Acoustic Cardiograph | Harmony | Bodyscan2010 Stress I | Chiropractic Cold_Cures | BodyScan Newspaper Article I | Rife Technology | Doctors | Doctors II | E.M.I. Health | Health2 | Herbal Medicine | Herbal Medicine II | Index | Natural Pain Relief Breath of Life | Pain Relief | Masters and Millionaires | Bodyscan Article II | Mineral Infrared Therapy Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory | YOUR Medical Dollars | Newspaper Article Flower Essence Therapy | Naturopathic Medicine | Naturopathy II | Nutri-Spec Oregano | Oxygen Therapy | Contents | QXCI | Dr. Richard Gerber Testimonial NUTRI-SPEC | Psoriasis | Endorsements (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc) Chelation Therapy | Masters and Millionaires - eye candy tour ![]() Welcome to the largest network of shortcuts on the planet,
PLEASE STEAL THIS PIECE OF THE Path of Better Shortcuts. Copy this to place on your site. Let's build a better world, one page, one click at a time.
All wisdom contains multiple layers, multiplex levels of usefulness.
If you know how to listen, here is very powerful information, new to you.
These next few minutes of your life are likely to change you forever. Focus.
When you obtain benefit from new facts, you get to your first level of wisdom.
With so much of you invested in getting to the first level, it is silly to limit yourself.
You have invested eighty percent of what is needed to get to so many more profits.
Do not limit yourself to one meaning. With less time and effort, each layer gets better.
This is a major and master secret of the universe, used by all of the masters around you.
Seek and find your second level of utility, and then your third and even fourth and fifth uses.
Your learning curve goes up in but mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every human you've ever met who was or is worth admiring uses this magical PowerGem.
A PowerGem is a deliciously universal secret of your own Path of Better Shortcuts.
PowerGems are hidden in plain sight throughout millions of MisterShortcut pages.
A closing thought about a matter of real import to the Path of Better Shortcuts :
You already know that what goes around comes around, ala "What goes up..."
Click through at thehungersite, one time every day that you live and breathe.
When you save dozens, then hundreds of lives, luck tends to transmogrify.
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YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Click through to TheHungerSite and related HELPING websites.
RainForest, ChildHealth, and
As with every act of anonymous kindness you commit, YOU win.
You will, as we all do, experience many of your life's greatest feelings.
What goes up, comes down: what goes around comes around.
Join solving problems,
one at a time, with the best and greatest shortcuts,
universal shortcuts sweetly called "PowerGems."
You're looking for an explanation of ShapeTalk perhaps?
Keep Looking.
ShapeTalk. You may think that ShapeTalk is merely an expression of art, or distraction.
We each quickly benefit by learning to see ShapeTalk for what is actually is, hm?
You see, we have become sound-byte people, we like to get it short and sweet.
ShapeTalk is a way of expressing many separate pieces of wisdom in short.
There are over a thousand ShapeTalk pieces in thousands of versions,
spread all thoughout the Path of Better Shortcuts for you to find.
ShapeTalk also, critically, separates thoughts line by line.
Have you noticed that? One line, one thought, mostly.
This way we can look at ShapeTalk and count!
Count the pieces of wisdom you take away.
Look in the ShapeTalk for PowerGems.
The Path of Better Shortcuts has some questions specifically for you.
How long will we wait to meet the best you?
How long will we wait to see you prove that you really are "all that"?
How long will it take for you to open your eyes to your own resolution skills?
Go grab a book or internet website on how to negotiate more skillfully. Learn something new!
If you're that lazy, no need to learn anything new at all. Focus on getting better at something you do now.
Not only are the payoffs quick; they're repeatable into the hundreds and thousands of times.
One look at the Path of Better Shortcuts should convince you of that.
Every page is unique, and yet there are hundreds of thousands.
How could one person create all one thousand websites?
With shortcuts, young friend; with great shortcuts.
Use your shortcuts today and profit on them.
The Path of Better Shortcuts does work quickly, as you shall see.
As a child, you knew the approaches of or most of them.
Once you began your adolescence, your concerns for what other people think just about took over.
Your job today, in embracing is to learn to open yourself up again.
Other people cannot live your life for you, suffer your pains, nor can they experience your joys.
You are promised to see better results when you start letting go of self-consciousness.
For starters, it frees up a huge amount of your brain energy that is now being wasted.
There are numerous other benefits, as well. Learn to care more for your opinion,
and so very much less for the opinions of people who cannot live your lifetime!
Simply stated, you are the living extension of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Use any one PowerGem of repeatedly.
Watch and see and feel how it pays off for you, again and again.
Shapelinks for a subject that you just might have in mind.
Shapelinks lead to shortcuts counting each as one of a kind.
The shortcuts that these shapelinks show,
are perfect arrows to where you wish to go.
Click on these Shapelinks for Shapetalk and more,
one million pages packed with shortcuts galore.
Enjoy the Shapelinks, Shapetalk, Shortcuts Capital of the World,
the Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living.
Delicious designs is what we seek,
for delicious designs offer a peek,
into the delicious designs of the soul,
what makes us delicious, what helps make us whole.
Delicious designs are the phrase of the day,
you know delicious designs chase the blues away.
If we are first for "delicious designs,
let us take it as deliciously Divine.
For, all the delicious designs we might taste,
and all the delicious designs that we waste,
can be the delicious designs that we paste,
when delicious designs are produced with great haste.
You see, delicious designs come from God-knows-where,
which is why delicious designs show He Cares.
The delicious designs that we deign to feign,
are not the delicious designs of my game.
Most delicious designs that come with great speed,
are produced with that urgent, pressure of need.
Delicious designs take me where I should go,
and all of the places that I hope to grow.
Delicious Designs can be its own land,
where everyone grows up in a merry band,
where delicious designs deliver the goods,
and we no longer need to live out in the woods.
Reach for delicious designs where you are,
grab them with gusto today,
and you'll find in short time,
that you're one of a kind,
When delicious designs come your way.
At the bottom of every page of there is love.
At core of all that is presented here, a wish and hope and set of expectations.
Expect more from yourself, just as the Path of Better Shortcuts expects more of you,
and you will find that many seemingly unrelated areas of your life get to enjoy the fruits.
Greater expectations inevitably leads to greater efforts, which always lead to greater yields.
If you have not gone to or for your share of so much free money,
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If, however, you are not where you wish to be financially, pay visits to such sites.
Not only will the government give you free money, there are angels, too.
"Angels" are people with money who wish to invest in other humans.
Profit is appreciated by these people, who secondarize profit.
Whatever you most want, let's get busy working on it, now.
The Path of Better Shortcuts works 24 hours per day, hm?
In fact, the Path of Better Shortcuts works as you do.
Allow the next twenty-four hours to be full of minutes,
or make them be full of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Allow those 1,440 minutes to be your opportunities.
Filled with love, the Path of Better Shortcuts welcomes YOU.