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PowerGems: the Path of Better Shortcuts PowerGems,
the world's universal shortcuts that always work!
Before you move further, you should know this:
Path of Better Shortcuts PowerGems work,
approximately 100 percent of the time,
for about 100 percent of the users,
who use them 100 times each.
Join the circle of winners.
The Path of Better Shortcuts has some questions specifically for you.
How long will we wait to meet the best you?
How long will we wait to see you prove that you really are "all that"?
How long will it take for you to open your eyes to your own resolution skills?
Go grab a book or internet website on how to negotiate more skillfully. Learn something new!
If you're that lazy, no need to learn anything new at all. Focus on getting better at something you do now.
Not only are the payoffs quick; they're repeatable into the hundreds and thousands of times.
One look at the Path of Better Shortcuts should convince you of that.
Every page is unique, and yet there are hundreds of thousands.
How could one person create all one thousand websites?
With shortcuts, young friend; with great shortcuts.
Use your shortcuts today and profit on them.
The Path of Better Shortcuts does work quickly, as you shall see.
As a child, you knew the approaches of or most of them.
Once you began your adolescence, your concerns for what other people think just about took over.
Your job today, in embracing is to learn to open yourself up again.
Other people cannot live your life for you, suffer your pains, nor can they experience your joys.
You are promised to see better results when you start letting go of self-consciousness.
For starters, it frees up a huge amount of your brain energy that is now being wasted.
There are numerous other benefits, as well. Learn to care more for your opinion,
and so very much less for the opinions of people who cannot live your lifetime!
Simply stated, you are the living extension of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Use any one PowerGem of repeatedly.
Watch and see and feel how it pays off for you, again and again.
What you know means little in the face of what you do with what you know.
Stop counting days. Count 1,000 wasted minutes per day.
Only you determine the value of the Path of Better Shortcuts in your life.
Effectively, you are the living version of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
When we decide to make each minute better than the one before,
magical, near-mystically powerful results are assured to you.
You are promised better results when you use shortcuts.
You cannot trade ethics for time. Use clean shortcuts.
Shapelinks for a subject that you just might have in mind.
Shapelinks lead to shortcuts counting each as one of a kind.
The shortcuts that these shapelinks show,
are perfect arrows to where you wish to go.
Click on these Shapelinks for Shapetalk and more,
one million pages packed with shortcuts galore.
Enjoy the Shapelinks, Shapetalk, Shortcuts Capital of the World,
the Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living.
At the bottom of every page of there is love.
At core of all that is presented here, a wish and hope and set of expectations.
Expect more from yourself, just as the Path of Better Shortcuts expects more of you,
and you will find that many seemingly unrelated areas of your life get to enjoy the fruits.
Greater expectations inevitably leads to greater efforts, which always lead to greater yields.
If you have not gone to or for your share of so much free money,
then perhaps you are financially secure already without anyone else's assistance.
If, however, you are not where you wish to be financially, pay visits to such sites.
Not only will the government give you free money, there are angels, too.
"Angels" are people with money who wish to invest in other humans.
Profit is appreciated by these people, who secondarize profit.
Whatever you most want, let's get busy working on it, now.
The Path of Better Shortcuts works 24 hours per day, hm?
In fact, the Path of Better Shortcuts works as you do.
Allow the next twenty-four hours to be full of minutes,
or make them be full of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Allow those 1,440 minutes to be your opportunities.
Filled with love, the Path of Better Shortcuts welcomes YOU.
Because is so perfectly matched to the tools and advantages of the Bodyscan2010, Shortcuts For YOUR Study One way to reverse the loss of those minor conversations is to invest some of that regained time into your body> With love from the Godfather of Shortcuts, and your Path of Healthiest Living.
Dr. Cohen innovated the first combination of and Bodyscan2010 ever undertaken.
With thousands and thousands of successes in a row, proving the near-perfect accuracy of these tools,
any doctor will have a hard time finding any hundred tools to work as quickly, and quite as usefully.
Learn more so that you are in a position to live more, which promotes probabilities you'll give more.
Ultimately, it is difficult to find a secret more powerful than anonymously helping the helpless, you know,
but the Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living can be patient enough to preach in another venue.
For the here and now, you are highly recommended to learn just how works, and how to do it.
-- YOUR Opportunity
* Nothing Is Accidental With The Path of Healthiest Living or Path of Better Shortcuts *
You might observe that the Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living makes primary use of bold lettering.
The ease of hardship this represents for many tens of millions of people with visual challenges is worth observing.
Unlike ALL-CAPS, which we characteristically interpret to mean that someone is dealing with big anger issues,the bold fonts may well suffice, enough to make a sizable difference between needing glasses to read this... or not.
Thus, if you think the Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living are screaming aloud,
please remember many millions of people whose eyesight is not as good as yours, fair enough?
When we take a step to make life easier, or better, or more opportunity-filled for others,
we get to enjoy benefits that are the opposite of "minor conversation"Productivity.
The results you are observing in your life is less of a total than a subtotal.
While your actions until today combine together to create your present life,
the gift of today is that you get to boost your subtotal every day of life.
All your yesterdays PLUS today are what will total your tomorrow.
Add just one percent more into something that you do today,
and you are promised a tomorrow even sweeter than today.
When you engage your Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living,
you will rapidly find the Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living engaging you.
From , the simple test you get to use for the rest of your life for food, etc.
to the easy and irrefutably potent shortcuts and secrets of success, the option to learn more is yours.
In return for your assent to helping more of our world's helpless, you get to re-learn the great secrets of life.
Some of the great secrets of life were actually known by you as a child, and then came disempowering adolescence.
Your life became a series of minor conversations followed by disbelief in self, and then more of the minor conversations.
Minor Conversations Re-energized Into Better Energies
Start now with more air (deeper breathing at least once per hour), clean water (a few ounces every waking hour),
if only because your kidneys, which pump more than a liter of blood every minute of your life, are so heavily taxed;
never less than a teaspoon or two of real salt per day, which is AIR-DRIED sea salt, the third most critical nutrient of life,
knowing that a fantastic eighty-plus percent of all humans seen to live beyond 100 eat/drink unheated olive oil most days.
and plenty of green vegetables, all of which is helped by maintaining good intestinal bacteria, by not eating so much garbage.
You will find more often than not that the greatest secrets of Longevity, as of those relating to wealth, are indisputably simple.
Less talking on your part, more listening to those doing it better than you, followed by your own imitation and innovation.
That is how you win at the game of life ... the most serious and exciting game of all.
Provided you help the helpless, you are welcome at the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts.
The Path of Healthiest Living is the greatest self-empowerment resource, for You
We are all looking for the secrets of success. As children, we try to figure the secrets of success....
or we try to re-write the way that we engage these secrets of success. Only rarely do we succeed at this.
As adults, however, we recognize many of the true secrets of success, and yet, only use them rarely, if at all.
Most of the time, we use our secrets to success for mostly petty issues, and those issues that may be emergencies.
When your life is little more than one minor conversation, or a series of minor conversations, success secrets mean little.
You can reverse this situation through the gift of self-empowerment, using all of your resources, and using success shortcuts.
Again, let us change your life from one of minor conversations, to one of major conversations.
It becomes you, and represents a significant improvement for yourself, one that lasts.