Dr. David Cohen, ND, Phd, MH, CNC, one of our best doctors of natural medicine, is pleased to bring you among your healthiest websites, where you cannot find any shopping carts because our goal here is not dollars. Dr. Cohen, as one of our best doctors of natural remedies and medicines, easily described as being among our best doctors of naturopathy, which means being among the best doctors of natural science, and best doctors of many methods of natural healing, has the goal of helping the world to heal itself, one patient at a time, with or without the Bodyscan. While everyone is urged to get themselves to a Bodyscan2010, there are many ways to naturally restore your natural inner balance. Best doctors all around the world agree that natural approaches are healthier. Best doctors in America, best doctors in England, best doctors in Israel, and more, best doctors in every geographical location prove to be those pursuing natural remedies. That's WHY they are best doctors: natural remedies and natural medicines are safer, healthier. Best doctors for this and best doctors for that, everyone seems to know the "top doctor in their field." People in Brazil and Brooklyn, Japan and Israel, Africa and America and more, claim to know "best doctors." Meanwhile, approximately one million patients die every year just from medical errors and lethal drug reactions. That alone is the best reason to become our own best doctors, or to consult with best doctors who represent the most effective Path of Better Shortcuts approaches the Path of Better Shortcuts urges you to feed starving kids - FREE! ![]() Wonderful sponsors buy 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people with free clicks to thehungersite.com. (no relation to us). When you click this food button and the one that pops open you save a human life... at no charge to you. There is no more noble effort within the Path of Better Shortcuts. What goes around.... |
Best doctors to the left, best doctors to the right,
the Path of Better Shortcuts writes of best doctors,
seeking to maintain all the truth still kept tight.
Best doctors here, surely, best doctors there,
it seems there are best doctors everywhere.
You, your neighbor, your cousin, and more,
by only the best doctors claim to hold store.
The fact that we see, Path of Better Shortcuts,
is that the best doctors are QRA practitioners.
While some may claim that this is but opinion of
please note that medical doctors are the country's number one cause of death.
More iatrogenic deaths (given to the patient by the physician) than from cancer.
More iatrogenic deaths (given to the patient by the physician) than from heart disease.
No cause of death in this nation is found by the Path of Better Shortcuts to be greater.
Iatrogenia is right up there alongside with hospital errors and nosocomial infections.
The Path of Better Shortcuts urges you to learn about QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis),
with a rapidity to impress even the greatest endorser of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
The Path of Better Shortcuts makes no profit from these exegeses and opinions.
The Path of Better Shortcuts is here to serve you to help heal yourself.
The Path of Better Shortcuts is a state of mind already within you.
The Path of Better Shortcuts is about living life naturally,
living stronger for longer by natural rules and laws.
QRA taps into the law of the body not telling lies.
The body cannot tell a lie, not that we can see.
QRA is about asking your body better questions,
in Path of Better Shortcuts pursuit of better answers.
No one can make your life's most critical decisions for you,
not the critical decisions regarding what to eat, and even when.
The better your decisions today, the greater your longevity tomorrow.
The Path of Better Shortcuts urges you to learn more so you can live more.
Best doctors appearing to the right, best doctors showing up for left,
when political questions interfere with health, left and right are wrong.
The Path of Better Shortcuts pushes you to identify the best doctors,
who, more often than not, may well be found in your own mirror.
Striving to keep the truths still kept too tightly bound.
the Path of Better Shortcuts will not move around.
Best doctors can show us best doctors can goad us,
the very best doctors too often just snow us.
Your brother, your cousin, your mother,
willing to hiddenly deceive one another.
Tell the truth about the best doctors today,
proving to be those practicing the QRA way...
by only the best doctors by whom we hold store.
In knowing that we see, by Path of Better Shortcuts,
that the best doctors around? QRA practitioners in town.
If you appreciate if you live your own Path of Better Shortcuts,
or have found some other way to tap into the longevity factors of those living stronger longer,
or even if you merely appreciate the efforts of the Path of Better Shortcuts to help you help you,
then you can either live, suffer, and die as millions do, or you can make learning changes needed.
You must instruct yourself on identifying the best doctors if you do not wish to be your own best doctor.
You can incorporate the Path of Better Shortcuts into your life, or create a new Path of Better Shortcuts.
What is certain is that the best health comes from the best decisions, the best choices, we make individually.
The Path of Better Shortcuts can see no such thing as medical doctors conforming to, or being, the best doctors.
Not with pharmaceutical agents and surgery the primary tools in their toolchests, more so without the use of QRA.
Bring the Path of Better Shortcuts on into your life, or craft your own Path of Better Shortcuts to live your best life.
We can argue best doctors, we can compare best doctors, we can brag and show off knowledge of the best doctors.
At the end of the day, it means little to the Path of Better Shortcuts expressed, promulgated, and taught to the world,
it means even less to the Path of Better Shortcuts that exists within you: the best doctors prove to be QRA practitioners.
Rather than believe you can easily find out for yourself from QRA practitioners across the nation.
The best of the best can teach the rest how to be best. If you are among the best, or merely seek to learn from and about the best,
heed this call from the Path of Better Shortcuts to learn the best secrets and techniques of doctors practicing QRA, proving to be best.
Best doctors do not deceive us, even if the best doctors must release us,
from a life of pain and madness that the chemicals never seem to work.
Best doctors in NY, the best doctors in the nation,
the best doctors in the world today,
seem to be about gratification.
Best doctors as they used to be,
best doctors true to you & me,
may prove to be best doctors of history.
An ancient tale of sickness and of health,
before wealth overtook the riches of health,
are when the best doctors had no training at all,
except the experience of picking up whoever fell off the wall and needed help!!!
The Path of Better Shortcuts hopes to see,
a newer and brighter "best doctor" history,
where you go feeling bad and come back so glad,
that you saw the best doctor and the best doctor saw you.
The Path of Better Shortcuts believes the best doctors are YOU.