MrShortcut invite YOU to quit smoking here at the world's largest personal web site
With special thanks and credit to the Natl Cancer Institute and the Natl Institutes of Health for creating this program

Snack Calorie Chart


Carbonated (per 8-ounce glass)
  Cola-type...............................95 calories
  Fruit flavors (10-13% sugar)...........115 calories
  Ginger Ale..............................75 calories

Fruit drinks (per 1/2 cup)
  Apricot nectar..........................70 calories
  Cranberry juice.........................80 calories
  Grape drink.............................70 calories
  Lemonade (frozen).......................55 calories

Fruit juices (per 1/2 cup)
  Apple juice, canned.....................60 calories
  Grape juice, bottled....................80 calories
  Grapefruit juice, canned, unsweetened...50 calories
  Orange juice, canned, unsweetened.......55 calories
  Pineapple juice, canned, unsweetened....70 calories
  Prune juice, canned....................100 calories

Vegetable juices (per 1/2 cup)
  Tomato juice............................25 calories
  Vegetable juice cocktail................20 calories

Coffee and tea
  Coffee, black..........................3-5 calories
  with 1 tsp. sugar....................18-20 calories
  with 1 tsp. cream....................13-15 calories
  Tea, plain.............................0-1 calories
  with 1 tsp. sugar....................15-16 calories


Candy (per ounce)
  Hard candy.............................110 calories
  Jelly beans............................105 calories
  Marshmallows............................90 calories
  Gumdrops...............................100 calories

Chips (per cup)
  Corn chips.............................230 calories
  Potato chips...........................115 calories
  (air-popped, without butter)............25 calories

 Dutch, 1 twisted........................60 calories
  Stick, 5 regular........................10 calories

CHEESE (per ounce)
 American, processed....................105 calories
  Cottage, creamed........................30 calories
  Cottage, low-fat (2%)...................25 calories
  Swiss, natural.........................105 calories

 Butter, 2-inch diameter.................15 calories
  Graham, 2 1/2 inches square, 2..........55 calories
  Matzoh, 6-inch diameter.................80 calories
  Rye.....................................45 calories
  Saltine.................................50 calories

FRUITS (raw)
  Apple, 1 medium.........................80 calories
  Apricots, fresh, 3 medium...............50 calories
  Apricots, dried, 5 halves...............40 calories
  Banana, 1 medium.......................105 calories
  Blackberries, 1/2 cup...................35 calories
  Blueberries, 1/2 cup....................40 calories
  Cantaloupe, 1/4 melon...................50 calories
  Cherries, 10............................50 calories
  Dates, dried, 3.........................70 calories
  Fig, dried, 1 medium....................50 calories
  Grapefruit, 1/2.........................40 calories
  Grapes, 20..............................30 calories
  Orange, 1 medium........................60 calories
  Peach, 1 medium.........................35 calories
  Pear, 1 medium.........................100 calories
  Pineapple, 1/2 cup......................40 calories
  Prunes, dried, 3........................60 calories
  Raisins, 1/4 cup.......................110 calories
  Strawberries, 1 cup.....................45 calories
  Watermelon, 1 cup.......................50 calories

NUTS (per 2 tablespoons)
 Almonds................................105 calories
  Brazil nuts............................115 calories
  Cashews................................100 calories
  Peanuts................................105 calories
  Pecans, halves..........................95 calories

  Carrots, 1/2 cup grated.................35 calories
  Celery, 5-inch stalks, 3................10 calories
  Pickle, 1............................15-20 calories
Table of Contents:

Preparing Yourself for Quitting
    Knowing What to Expect
    Involving Someone Else
Ways of Quitting
Just Before Quitting
    On the Day You Quit
Immediately After Quitting
Snack Calorie Chart
Withdrawal Symptoms and Activities that Might Help
Quitting for Keeps
    Keep Your Guard Up
How to Dampen That Urge
Not Smoking is Habit-Forming
    Relapse: If You Smoke Again
    Marking Progress
Common Rationalizations
For Further Information
[Quit Smoking Start Page]     [Previous]         Masters and Millionaires       Shapelinks.US       Shame       HotClick      911day      911day II      SuperHealth      
            Doctors II       E.M.I.       Health       Health2

Herbal Medicine    
    Herbal Medicine II       Index       Pain Relief      

BioSyntony | 

The Path of Healthiest Living aims to be the internet's largest personal empowerment website, with 1,000,000 unique web pages

© EasyStreet, USA by MisterShortcut - MrShortcut
All rights reserved for those who feed starving humans, fair enough?

For now, you can feed people with a free click
Corporate sponsors buy over a cup of food for your clicks.                                 Nice... saving a life with clicks!
In loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, MrShortcut
Thanks, honors, and praise to the rather holy Paul Newman, who slowly earned
hundreds of millions of dollars in his years... and used it all to feed people.

Ayurvedic Medicine      
Mineral Infrared Therapy           Rife Technology
Ayurvedic Medicine       Breath of Life       Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory
Acoustic Cardiograph      
Cold_Cures       Doctors       Doctors II       Health       Health2

Herbal Medicine       Herbal Medicine II
Index       Pain Relief       Masters and Millionaires

YOUR Medical Dollars      Flower Essence Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine       Naturopathy II
Oregano       Alternative to Chiropractic
Endorsements   (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)

Health Secrets Of The Path of Better Shortcuts

Everyone, and the Path of Better Shortcuts DOES mean EVERYONE alive
needs to learn about QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis), for self and loved ones.
Nothing in the world you have encountered has anything like BDORT and Q.R.A.
No medical protocol that YOU have encountered is even close to BDORT and Q.R.A.
If you love yourself as the Path of Better Shortcuts loves you, learn BDORT and Q.R.A.
BDORT only takes a matter of seconds to learn, Q.R.A. takes a bit of professional training.
These are portable bidigital tools that you get to carry and use for the rest of your life.
is proving to be the game-changer in 21st century health.
Living the Path of Better Shortcuts means learning what proves to work best.

Hotlinks For Some of The Path of Better Shortcuts Websites


Path of Better Shortcuts Self-Help - QRA - FAVORITES Of The Path of Better Shortcuts

The Path of Better Shortcuts exists to help you to help yourself. You simply must learn more to live more.
It is less important to stretch out the quantity of your years as it is the quality of your every day.
Look how many make it to their 70's and 80's... and feel so sick they wish they HADN'T made it.
Water, unheated oil, air-dried sea salt, fiber, and friendly bacteria, such as found in kefir.
Keep It Short & Sweet - The K.I.S.S. of success for extending Longevity in happier ways.
Live your Path of Better Shortcuts to see how the Path of Better Shortcuts treats you.
Stop eating foods that have been prepared by other people who do not care about you.

If a food is advertised nationally, the Path of Better Shortcuts is probably not recommending it.
You are paying for executive salaries, perks, expenses, luxuries... and a great deal of advertising.

It is better, wiser, and healthier to count upon more of your internal resources, such as knowing how to breathe.
Oh, you THINK you know how to breathe. The Path of Better Shortcuts begs to differ. Did you breathe deeply today?
How many times have you exhaled all the way out, then, while thinking your lungs are empty, exhale even more air?
How fully you empty your lungs has an even larger influence on cleaning out toxins than how deeply you breathe in!
It's true! When you think your lungs are empty, you generally have at least two more quarts of dirty air inside.
So, the Path of Better Shortcuts urges you to exhale deeply, then exhale more, before slowing breathing in.

Doing this five or ten times per day will provide significant assistance to dozens of bodily functions,
not least of which are better, clearer thinking, more imagination, better lungs, immune system, etc.

From proper breathing techniques to BDORT and , there is so much for you.
From the Path of Better Shortcuts to a thousand other great resources, learn more to live more.

Biosyntony | Path of Better Shortcuts

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