This is putatively the internet's healthiest website,
and for sure, the largest naturopathic website, largest health-related website created to date.
With millions of these delicious pages,focusing on better and healthier ways of healing and living stronger longer,
the Path of Better Shortcuts is designed to be free for your life, for no greater or lesser reason than that you're worth it.
Truth is, no one on this planet can actively care more about your health and life than you yourself can,
so stop believing in fairies and doctors who "truly care." Ultimately, such rara aves are far and few between.
When you consider the number of deaths, particularly those actually caused by doctors, which, in America alone,
comes out to several thousand people every single week who are dying from something termed "iatrognia" or iatrogenic death.
The correct tranlation for "iatrogenic" is "given to the patient by the doctor."
Whether it is by error or intent doesn't matter,because dead is dead. Even JAMA and Lancet admit that iatrogenic deaths in America are topping out at approximately two hundred thousand per year. The U.S. government says it's actually higher than that,
and it's unlikely that all such deaths are being reported accurately, not by a considerable margin.
Here at the Path of Better Shortcuts we're out to help you to change all that, with better info.
The more we learn, the longer and stronger we tend to live, so let's learn more to live more.
That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility, from one pair of preternaturally busy hands: many hundreds of thousands of unique creations. built with love by Mister-Shortcut, for You
| Path of Better Shortcuts and the Path of Better Shortcuts - designed for YOUR life |