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Share the Path of Healthiest Living - Global Empowerment!
Faced with a choice of automated email replies or the personal approach of telephones, we prefer the personal touch.
callers to speak with Dr. Cohen
Until the world's greatest naturopathic supermarket has a complete shopping cart,
we invite you to enjoy all 100 of the Dr. Cohen websites which comprise the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Free for your life. Learn more to live more. Enjoy.
Have fun mousing over the buttons before clicking
into the healthiest website on earth,
brought to you by Dr. David Cohen and MrShortcut... ... ... free for your
Dr. David Cohen and the Life-Extending Path of Better Shortcuts Shortcuts
designed by Mr Shortcuts /a>
are hosted by Mister-Shortcut,
and created for you in the belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Path of Better Shortcuts is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are innovations and promotions of your biggest fan and coach.
Achievements I
Succeeding II
Mr Shortcuts III
Achievements IV
Success V
EyeCandy VI
Mr. Shortcut VII
Mister Shortcuts VIII
Mr Shortcut IX
Productivity X
Productivity XI
Productivity XII
Success XIII
Mister Shortcuts XIV
Achievements XV
Sharing has a funny, pleasing way of returning, repeatedly
You already know that what goes up must come down, that what goes around comes around.
Today presents any number of opportunities for you, some you see, plenty that pass you by.
Today, the Path of Healthiest Living solicits your interest in developing your excellence.
So, pretend that today is that day in which you earn annual money in each work-hour.
Today is your focus, not the next 100 days of repeating and improving what you do today.
You can do it for 22 days, 100 days, 1000 days or more, provided you do it, fully, in THIS today.
What you do plays a distant second fiddle to what you do with what you know, demanding you do more.
When you awaken the Path of Healthiest Living within you, you are going to be positively electrified, as a habit.
When you imitate the best, the masters and millionaires, the champions and billionaires, you tend to imitate their results.
It is your day, your turn, your Path of Healthiest Living, your hunger driving the determination of how successful you will be today.
hosted by Dr. David Cohen, one of America's top doctors in healing naturally,
built with love by Achievements, for You