the Path of Better Shortcuts Wants YOU To Succeed Faster With Shortcuts

MisterShortcut and Your Path of Better Shortcuts Invite YOU To Help Save The WorldMisterShortcut and Your Path of Better Shortcuts Invite YOU To Help Save The WorldMisterShortcut and Your Path of Better Shortcuts Invite YOU To Help Save The WorldMisterShortcut and Your Path of Better Shortcuts Invite YOU To Help Save The World MisterShortcut and Your Path of Better Shortcuts Invite YOU To Help Save Primates the Path of Better Shortcuts Asks You To Save Children - NO CHARGE TO YOU the Path of Better Shortcuts Loves Pets! MisterShortcut and Your Path of Better Shortcuts Invite YOU To Help Save The World MisterShortcut and Your Path of Better Shortcuts Invite YOU To Help Save The World The Soul Of the Path of Better Shortcuts Is Daily Action Rain Forest
Big Cats Primates Children Pets Stop Violence End Breast Cancer

You do not need to click every HELP button every day, although the Path of Better Shortcuts endorses doing so.

Clicking at least one every day of your life means your impact on the world continues to grow and grow.
That you can do so at no charge makes it all the sweeter. Lives saved are lived saved, right?
Whoever thought we'd develop such passion for saving lives? Will you join the daily crew?
Save someone or something every day of your life, and find many payoffs coming back.
Newton's Third Law is a perfect law of life, and pays you very generously.
That's why it is a PowerGem of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Give more, friend, and you surely get back much more.

Help the Path of Better Shortcuts to help TheHungerSite feed starving folks - NO CHARGE

You ARE an actual hero
Great sponsors buy 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people with free clicks to (no relation to us),
Clicking this food button and the one that pops open, you save a human life... no charge to you.
This is a prime function of the Path of Better Shortcuts.   What goes up ...

Clickthrough Donations - Using Your Path of Better Shortcuts
Sweeter yet, they are FREE clickthrough donations that you make

Do not underestimate the power of donations via free clickthroughs.
The effect on you alone is worth the clickthrough donation. It may yet transform you.
Every time you save a life with a free clickthrough, excellent vibrations abound.
Each time you save a resource with a free clickthrough, you save the planet.
Imagine how you're going to feel when you get to a thousand of each.
Even more giving, your free emails EACH create more donations.
Save lives, change the world with free clickthroughs daily.

Get more from yourself and the assets you have access to, and more so with the Path of Better Shortcuts.

Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
the Path of Better Shortcuts is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are the great shortcuts of Masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR Shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Path of Better Shortcuts is free for your life

One clickthrough - one life saved
With a couple of clicks, free food from corporate sponsors is donated for starving children, animals, etc.
Click To Save A Life - Live YOUR Path of Healthiest Living

Hunger and Poverty:
Let's end starvation
Live the Path of Better Shortcuts
Help others to live stronger longer
BE Your Path of Healthiest Living
Giving Means Getting

Feed Hungry in Brazil

Feed Veterans With A Click! -- Now!

Food for Hungry in India

Polish Hunger Site (Click the tummy)

TheHungerSite - one click, one life saved

Feed Kids in Africa (Click Cup)

Donate Bread (Click Loaf)

Kid's Hospital In Mexico - Click button on left

Childrens Health (Japanese)

Help Prevent Teen Suicide

- Just click each button, hit CTRL W to close each window. Great!

Meals for Dogs

Help Dogs - Cats - Horses - (

Donate Cat Food

Feed a Big Cat

Help Horses - (

Sweet sponsors of TheHungerSite (no relation). buy cups of food for starving people with free clickthroughs!
When you click this food button and the one that pops open, a starving human gets fed, at no charge to you.
What sweeter function can the Path of Better Shortcuts provide?   You become MY hero, my heroine ...

Share the Path of Healthiest Living With Global Generosity!

Share the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts with YOUR intimates,
the people you most wish to assist, and to empower in their own pursuit of success,
for the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life repays our repeat generosity.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, whether creature or human, within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to remediate the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.

Share the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
How you spend your minutes shows how you're spending your life.
You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you wish.
All masters of success can verify these master secrets of life.
The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you.
Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct?
Act the way you want to be to become the way you act.
When you imitate the great masters of this universe,
you imitate the results of these great role models.
PowerGems are of the masters of this universe.
You know more than those who still do more?
Speaking less, and doing more, is yours.
Share the Path of Healthiest Living.
Let us even the playing field.

Employ your Path of Better Shortcuts to feed starving kids
the Path of Better Shortcuts Counts On YOU You you
Wonderful sponsors of (no relation to us) buy 1.1 cups of food for starving people for free ad-clicks.
When you click this food button and the one that pops open you save a human life... at no charge to you.
There is no more noble effort within the Path of Better Shortcuts.   What goes around....

Share the Path of Healthiest Living With Global Generosity!

Share the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts with YOUR intimates,
the people you most wish to assist, and to empower in their own pursuit of success,
for the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life repays our repeat generosity.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, whether creature or human, within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to remediate the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.

Share the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
How you spend your minutes shows how you're spending your life.
You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you wish.
All masters of success can verify these master secrets of life.
The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you.
Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct?
Act the way you want to be to become the way you act.
When you imitate the great masters of this universe,
you imitate the results of these great role models.
PowerGems are of the masters of this universe.
You know more than those who still do more?
Speaking less, and doing more, is yours.
Share the Path of Healthiest Living.
Let us even the playing field.

The Path of Better Shortcuts

Develop more of who you are with the Path of Better Shortcuts and
by orders of magnitude the largest empowerment website and network in the world.
Since you already own the Path of Better Shortcuts and Dr Path of Better Shortcuts,
since you already have access to more than eighty percent --
EIGHTY or MORE PERCENT of all the resources you might ever need to succeed faster,
both the Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living are fired up and ready to go, awaiting your command.
The entire "Masters and Millionaires" network and empire of more than a thousand websites were built by Mister-Shortcut,
representing YOUR interests, promoting and advancing YOUR accelerated success using shortcuts of repeat champions..
You guys and gals have made and, yes,
the internet's most philanthropic websites and network.

You have generated so MANY millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to TheHungerSite,
Each day, growing thousands of cups of food, EACH cup a lifesaver.   Applaud yourself as I do you, and click again.

That means you're entitled to share MisterShortcut's title as the "World's Richest Man",
because true wealth is not measured by what you gather for yourself,
rather, by what you give away to others

Go ahead, get healthy, get wealthy... Begin your wealth and riches with giving.
Natural health shortcuts of long-lived people.   Your best health tips... NATURAL health tips,
The best wealth shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.

That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility,
all by a single pair of hands: more than a million unique creations.
built with love by Mister-Shortcut, for You

With love from the Godfather of Shortcuts.

Index created with gratefully appreciated help fromMihov Index Maker version 1.50. www.Better-Health.US

These are just tiny tastes of the Path of Better Shortcuts and Path of Healthiest Living network,
all crafted for you by a single pair of hands with barely 180,000,000 precious seconds of love,
determinedly building the largest, most powerful collection of shortcuts and master secrets.
Those Who Show The Best - Know The Best - And Show The Rest
The Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts total millions of unique pages,
which can hardly be viewed by any human in the course of even the fullest of lifetimes.
Reading a book or three per day for fifteen thousands days and beyond has benefits,
not least of which is learning how to accomplish so much more with so much less.
Every bit and byte of useful information you ever encounter enjoys multiplicity.
When you learn this at a deep and useful level, you'll apply it universally.
For example, invest the effort to learn QRA ().
It is surely the most powerful clinical tool of all time, no exceptions.
Learn , teach QRA to your loved ones,
saving thousands of minutes of agony, waiting, stress, etc.
Nothing you ever learn is as usefully effective as QRA.
It is based on vastu, the oldest science known to us.
Shh. Learn more, so you can live and give more.
Welcome to your winning streak of education.
No learning is as potent as self-education.
Experience the Path of Healthiest Living,
and live the Path of Better Shortcuts www.MisterShortcut.US www.Dr-David-Cohen.US www.Bidigitally www.HealthSupermarket.US www.Health-Supplements.US www.HealthSupport.US www.AmazingHealth.US www.HealthTower.US www.Kosher-Vitamin.US www.MisterShortcut.US www.MrShortcut.US www.Nutrispec.US www.Pardonme.US www.Powergem.US www.powergem.US www.Shapelink.US www.Success-Shortcuts.US www.Superyoung.US

The Path of Better Shortcuts is, basically, a three-million minute effort to help you to help yourself.