The World's Largest Body of Original Work

One pair of hands designing, creating, uploading, (and promoting)
one thousand separate websites and beyond.
750,000 web pages which are all duplicates or near-duplicates of
two hundred and fifty thousand unique creations,
constituting the largest body of orginal work
in all of human history.

Welcome to the world of  Masters and Millionaires Make the most of what you have and you will have much more -- quickly">MisterShortcut.US MrShortcut.US    

Some of the records held by the Masters and Millionaires websites:
More Top 10 Search Engine listings (and more Top 100 rankings) than any other entity on earth

Hyperdominace or active dominance for more than two thousand intelligent keywords and key phrases
and hyperdominance for seventeen different "coined" fields of Psychology,
such as Path of Better Shortcuts, Path of Better Shortcuts, Paychology of Shortcuts, Path of Better Shortcuts, and so many others.

Each day, many thousands of visitors click on the food buttons.
The Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts Applaud YOU For Free Clickthroughs
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
The desire to feed starving people, to eliminate global hunger...
that was the water that fed the seedling of the Path of Better Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.  
Help MrShortcut erase worldwide starvation by clicking on the food buttons.
Fair trade for a million dollar service for you, hm?

Welcome to the largest free website in the world, all here for your life.
Now that and Masters and Millioanires websites have generated millions of cups of food,
you, the visitor are thanked,    because without you, thousands more PER DAY would be starving to death.

Brava and Bravo to each of you, and the assured gratitude of hungry children whose stomachs you are filling.
Many thanks, and, of course, to Mr. Paul Newman, an ultimate master of shortcuts, and inspiration supremas.
May the world benefit and feed starving people as a result of this largest body of work by a single human being.

Averaging sixteen to twenty hours per day -- 364 days per year for seven years-plus,
the production of the Path of Better Shortcuts is more than 99 percent original work of Mr_Shortcut,
constituting the largest body of a work by a single human being in this century,
the largest body of work by a single human in this new millenium,
and, quite possibly,
the largest body of original work by a human being in all of human history.
Whatever the case, learn more, live more, and give more.  
THAT is a great recipe for success.

At the bottom of every page of there is love.
At core of all that is presented here, a wish and hope and set of expectations.
Expect more from yourself, just as the Path of Better Shortcuts expects more of you,
and you will find that many seemingly unrelated areas of your life get to enjoy the fruits.
Greater expectations inevitably leads to greater efforts, which always lead to greater yields.
If you have not gone to or for your share of so much free money,
then perhaps you are financially secure already without anyone else's assistance.
If, however, you are not where you wish to be financially, pay visits to such sites.
Not only will the government give you free money, there are angels, too.
"Angels" are people with money who wish to invest in other humans.
Profit is appreciated by these people, who secondarize profit.
Whatever you most want, let's get busy working on it, now.
The Path of Better Shortcuts works 24 hours per day, hm?
In fact, the Path of Better Shortcuts works as you do.

Allow the next twenty-four hours to be full of minutes,
or make them be full of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Allow those 1,440 minutes to be your opportunities.

Filled with love, the Path of Better Shortcuts welcomes YOU.