Mister-Shortcut wishes to welcome you to largest free website in the world.
Millions of healthy, enriching, empowering web pages, designed and built for YOU by MisterShortcut




Your Healthiest Website

The World's Great Naturopathic Supermarket

Welcome to the EyeCandy Capital of the World

Play at some of the prettiest web pages on the internet

A Masterlinks Masterlist of MisterShortcut EyeCandy Websites

Here are 500 of MrShortcut's prettiest web pages (ALL by MrShortcut!! Imagine that!)

Want to become a millionaire, AT NO CHARGE?   Use the free shortcuts of Masters and Champions

When you understand what a Bodyscan is, you may find it the most important device of the 21st century

Imagine a doctor who actually gives generous free-followups to a Bodyscan, because he wants people to heal!
Imagine a doctor who openly acknowledges that prescription drugs are bad news, useful ONLY in emergencies?
Imagine well, because naturopathic physician David Cohen is all this, and more.
With an astonishing rate of success helping people to heal themselves, you need imagine no more.
Imagine a doctor who really and truly shows little interest in any financial gain.   How rare is that?
Dr. David Cohen, probably the perhaps best doctor on earth.

Wealthiest Healthiest Website
the Path of Better Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires

One major goal here is to be, if not the largest and healthiest website in creation,
then at least be one of the world's healthiest websites,
in order to be YOUR healthiest website.

When you study up to a thousand minutes for day for a thousand days each day preciously focused for 1,000 minutes;
when you then invest a thousand and more minutes per day for a thousand days building the world's biggest website
then invest another thousand minutes per day for yet another thousand days and more,
please understand that what results is going to be world-class if only in sheer volume.
The vast and overwhelming majority of MisterShortcut material must surely be on "free" web hosts.
Still, there are over a hundred hosted domains as well, each with a thousand to six thousand pages,
each page opened and customized, each a unique web pages, along with so tens thousands of others as well,
such as MisterShortcut's treatment of the NIH's rare delivery of excellence, in their "quit smoking"Program.

MisterShortcut found it to be so filled with great suggestions or shortcuts that he created some two hundred versions!

Two hundred different versions of "free quit smoking programs" in order to make sure that the work, the detailed work of good people,
should and would rank highly on many of the major and minor search engines and directories.

Because you deserve it, that's why!     The sooner that you understand as well as I do how special you are,
what a uniquely qualified individual of excellence is residing in you just aching to come out and play,
the sooner you will see your results accelerating, in dozens of different areas of your life, often simultaneously.
the Path of Better Shortcuts is already inside of you. You understood it beautifully as a child,
occasionally as an adolescent, and only rarely as an adult. Why not take a big shortcut? Right here, right now

In spite of its huge power, this shortcut is so easy you may not be smart enough to catch it; still, we have to try.

Nothing comes close.     In finding Dr. David Cohen to be the best naturopathic doctor in America if not the best doctor in the world,
MrShortcut ended up building what is probably the largest website in the world,
in terms of actual content beyond selling and selling and selling. It's good to share. No charge. Feed starving people.

Benefit and profit from your visits to one of the world's wealthiest healthiest websites and best source of shortcuts,
along with all the shapelinks and EyeCandy are part and parcel of the mother of it all,
"Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts", the initiative to impact global starvation with a world-class website.
Adding in all of these creations are a part of "Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts".

Designed for you to learn and enjoy the healthiest shortcuts and health tips of people who live longer and stronger,
using them endlessly to live healthier and wealthier, live happier and more fulfilled with these best health tips.

the Path of Better Shortcuts is a big portion of the largest and most empowering network we will soon see.
the Path of Better Shortcuts is all about focusing on the best shortcuts for health, wealth, and Longevity,
sharing the actions and secrets of long-lived people. Good health begins with learning more.
Succeeding with your Path of Better Shortcuts simplifies your Path of Healthiest Living.

It's fair to believe this will be empowered by the Path of Better Shortcuts.
all the wealthiest websites entitled "Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts,"
and all of these "healthiest websites" within
have been designed and produced by your Godfather of Shortcuts,
also known as the Godfather of EyeCandy for his artistic innovations.

Created for you by Mr_Shortcut,Godfather of EyeCandy, for you to succeed faster,
for you to live stronger for longer, using the best and greatest shortcuts of role models,
the same shortcuts used by leaders, masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.

Learn more in order to live more.   Accelerate your results with "PowerGem" shortcuts,
the hidden secrets, and the EyeCandy here at
and your most empowering website, the Path of Better Shortcuts.
With your mind in mind,

the Path of Better Shortcuts.

NO MATTER WHAT IT IS YOU WISH TO BUY, you can always find a better deal.
That doesn't mean driving yourself crazy over petty purchases, it means staying alert;
alert to opportunities all around us to generate money or to save money, especially in stores.
Printed price tags in stores are hardly inscribed in stone. Use your mental tools to get better prices.
For example, the more time a salesman spends with you, the more likely you can get him to drop the price.
No matter what he or she tells you, this is true more than eighty percent of the time. Use it to your advantage!

If you can't think of three reasons for the seller to give you a discount, then try just one.
Try it a few times, making certain that you don't just lay down and accept a "No!".
Simply smile and give them another reason to give you a discount.
The higher the cost of the item, the higher the savings.
These are additional dollars staying in your pocket,
to be used for better investments in your future.
Stop accepting retail prices without question.
It's ridiculous, and, so sorry, tends to...
well, yes, it makes the buyer look silly.
Ask for a better price.   Then ask again.
The means NOW.
the Path of Better Shortcuts is now.
The more you get "into" life,
the more it gets into you.

Join helping thehungersite to feed starving people -
at no cost to you or to the Path of Better Shortcuts !

the Path of Better Shortcuts Admires YOUR Winning Attitude
Sponsors buy 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people with free clicks to thehungersite.com (no relation to us).
When you click this food button and the one that pops open you save a human life... at no charge to you.
This is a prime function of the Path of Better Shortcuts.   What goes up...

In case you have not noticed, time is not slowing down.
No matter who you are or what you do on a daily basis,
outside of those who lack the freedom of making choices.
surely you have noticed that time is going by faster and faster...
There is no better day than today to close your mouth and get busy.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, while today is a precious gift,
which we know because we call it "the present."   That's not a joke,
it's meant to convey the critical importance of the days, the minutes, the hours,
because the very seconds you fritter away on petty pursuits are measured.
Not even your fingerprints are as perfectly unique as the seconds you are wasting.
Let today be your wake-up call to regain at least ten to one hundred minutes per day.
These minutes, reclaimed from television and other stupid activities, are reserved for you.
Not engaged in petty pursuits, instead reaching for the best within you, waiting to come out.
the Path of Better Shortcuts is your fan and coach, patiently waiting for you to wake up.
The sooner you get excited about your life, the sooner Life gets excited about you,

So many different kinds of shortcuts!
Empowering and fully superlative shortcuts,
Munificent and indubitably magnificent shortcuts,
guaranteed and quite incredible shortcuts,
fantastic and persistently powerful shortcuts
hypnotic and rather delicious shortcuts,
Insurable and Monefied shortcuts,
if you catch my drift,
absolute and certainly engaging shortcuts,
enduring and for sure successful shortcuts,
so-potently helpful and fully utile shortcuts....
and so much more. You see we can also find
enticing shortcuts and satisfying shortcuts,
energizing shortcuts and non-abrasive shortcuts,
sharing shortcuts and of course, caring shortcuts.
At the end of it all, shortcuts and time-cuts,
carry us over the wall.

These are the shortcuts of those who dare,
these are the shortcuts they use everywhere.
A thousand minutes per day, no travail,
means a thousand shortcuts we all might avail.
Excuses are fine for those who fail small,
but shortcuts are needed by who would stand tall.
all a perception, of honest deception, looking for those who are good.
who raise the reins of shortcuts, and use them as they should.

Empowering Shortcuts

Empowering shortcuts on the vine,
demanding to be plucked with the passage of time.

Empowering shortcuts all around
look and take yourself to town.
Marry and carry each with joy,
remember they're more than complimentary toys.
Empowering shortcuts work best when used,
and always work best when used by you.
Empowering shortcuts rushed by time,
pluck them fresh from yonder vine.
Empowering shortcuts to the end,
all for you, this means to send.
YOUR empowering shortcuts.

Both the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts are, effectively, observant repetition of tiny steps.

Vast changes occur with a single step that is repeated with an eye to improving.
Electrify everything in you do with any individual Path of Better Shortcuts PowerGems.
Tiny steps lead to improvements that are staggering in scope when you repeat them each day.
Do more with what you already know. This one feature effectively reduces the time requirement
for nearly everything you do. Never again underestimate YOUR ability and power to affect time.
Not only is this a key feature and function of success,
your life gets immediately and often profoundly affected as well.

Not the least of these numerous benefits is the ability to to accomplish the same things in considerably less time.
Success is your highest state, your happiness that is, at the core, not so easily described with words,
because each of us has a completely unique view of just what success actually is.    It's personal.

And yet today, guaranteeing such success is mathematically possible with the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Each PowerGem within the Path of Better Shortcuts works by itself, powerfully, repeatedly.
Any combination of PowerGems, used precisely as described, produces fast results.
So far, we haven't found any worthwhile exceptions to this concrete rule.

Have You Not Enough Shortcuts?

There are so many shortcuts available for you to make use of.

When did you last realize, just for one example of many instant resources to power,
that you have the ability to ask a question not merely from a bright librarian or a Harvard professor,
no, you get to ask some hundred million computers your question,
because that is precisely what you do when you go to a search engine.
You're asking millions and more millions of computers in hundreds of languages, covering every known subject.

Experts.     They're an excellent source, provided they are actually doing it at world-class.
We generally recognize them as masters or millionaires, champions or billionaires.
Everyone else is full of crapulous invective,   technobabble,   or the blatherskite of excuses,
because the only people who genuinely know better... are those who show it better... repeatedly.

Embrace the Path of Better Shortcuts || Masters and Millionaires Great Secrets to Success

Do You Understand the Path of Better Shortcuts ?

You are the living extension of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Think of this two different, or three different ways, and profit yet more.
YOU are the living extension of your own interpretation of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Separately and also, you ARE the living extension of your own Path of Better Shortcuts approach.
Anything and everything that you approach with both eyes and ears and arms wide open works out much better.
Understand that your enthusiasm is the gasoline that powers your excellence every single time you wish it to be so.
Please stop wishing it so only at petty desires or only critical emergencies.Bring out your better moves and ideas.

Take just one more action. It pays you back more than once, so repetition exponentiates.

The only hook you find here is the contract to help the helpless with the wealth you build from your PowerGems.

Until you have the money to fund people who are starving within miles of where you are at any given moment,
you are reminded to clickthrough to TheHungerSite or whoever we can find to donate with free clickthroughs.
DO IT EVERY DAY! Please believe that this free action is one of the ten greatest wealth-builders you will ever encounter.
However trite it may seem, it is improbable for you to avoid a sweet, repayment when you save many lives.

If you save just one life per day with a clickthrough, count up the lives you save when you get to one hundred days.
You think you know something, that you consistently know better? HOW MANY LIVES HAVE YOU SAVED?
Do you get it? Do you honestly see and feel this guaranteed secret of extraordinary wealth?

Today is the most powerful day of your life, friend. Take it from the world's most record-breaking so-and-so.
Today you get to be one percent or ten percent or even one hundred percent better than you were yesterday.
This is a perfect truth and power of life that you get to tap into any time you want, and as often as you like.
Give up just one percent more of whatever is inside of you.
Most of the profits are aimed right back at you.
At least 10 or 20 percent must help others.
Your profit grows, and grows, and grows.
Take it from one who knows and shows.
Welcome to the world of the wealthy,
Your Path of Better Shortcuts.