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Your Right To Vote Versus Your Obligation To Vote
Opinions and findings at the Path of Better Shortcuts

Right to Vote Versus Obligation To Vote?

A particularly useful feature of the Path of Better Shortcuts is simplicity: at the base of everything great there is a simple concept. The power of democracy rests on a single vote, the vote of a taxpaying citizen. That's why the Path of Better Shortcuts urges you, with no stingy vigor of discourse, to educate yourself.

If you do not vote, we have physical evidence that you are not participating in democracy. More specifically, that you are screaming out at the top of your lungs your unwillingness to particpate in democracy. Please don't TELL us of your willingness; PROVE you are willing to accept the responsibility given to you both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

If you're not doing the work, why should you be paid? No vote; no citizenship rights. Being born here is nothing more than geographic luck, from your point of view. You had nothing to do with the decisions that placed the point of your birth in this country. Therefore, you believe that this entitles you to all that the government offers and all the rights of capitalism and more. Exchange your yapping for power. Raw power in your hands, yet a stunning fifty percent of the population is too excruciatingly stupid to use that power. Just think of the fifty million voters who did not vote in the last national election. Had only half of these people voted, what a difference! When everyone votes, there is a clearer mandate for one candidate or the other, because the greater the number of people who vote, the greater the disparity in times of national turmoil.

If you're not doing the work, why should you be paid? It's a heavy tab, and this proposes that you are not entitled to the pay when you do not do the work.

Suspend the citizenship rights of those who do not vote: you're not entitled to garbage collection or the right to sue someone. It's so simple and will provide scores of corrections within any system that grows more abusive when it grows larger. One of Newton's Laws of Thermodynamics states that in a closed system, disorder rules. Without exception, growing larger means having less control over smaller issues, issues that are important to people on lower rungs of the ladder.

How dare you ask for the right to sue someone or to have soliders risk their lives for you if you're not willing to decide who will operate those courts and soliders? Logically speaking, when we compare someone who is talking about politics and how to fix things without placing their own ballot in the box to someone who has no idea how to fix societal problems and trusts another human with their ballot, the latter must always be given greater consideration. It's the distinctive and definitive trade between a government and its constituency.

Whether you vote for one side of the other, the one and only important focus here is the act of voting. One of the fringe benefits to people you completely disagree with is that every time you do not vote, your vote counts for the position directly opposite from yours.

Democracy must be earned, you don't just get a freebie handout. It has privileges and responsibilities. Your responsibility is to make sure that the government fulfills its one and only function.

Surprised though so many of you are to learn the actual purpose of government, you are nonetheless asked right here and now to state why you think there is a government.

Please put your seat belts on, because you're in for a whopper here; one that it's hoped will permanently alter your life for the better and, much and far more importantly, will forever benefit your children and grandchildren and beyond.

Whatever you thought before now, let's get it clear in your mind that government does not have six or seven or a hundred purposes; it has one and only that one. Every conceivable extension, attachment, or extrapolation (going from point A to point B in order to see the path for point C, based on our belief in straight lines. The fancy term for this is "linear focus") is because of that one purpose.

Are you ready? The one and only purpose of government is to protect the citizenry. The only two ways to correct something wrong in govermment are violence and nonviolence. Nonviolence means using the instruments of government.

and if you're not highly-paid by that point,
you'll soon find someone who
will pay you for your excellence.

the Path of Better Shortcuts restricts focus to proven methods.
Don't argue with success. Duplicate it, then innovate.
Add your brand after developing your skills more.

The voice of experience is calling out.

This is your wake-up call.

The more times you ask, the more times you'll receive...

...for your every conceivable want. This is a perfect rule of life, and constitutes the one greatest, most magically effective secret of getting what you want. It supersedes every rule that exists. This principle is openly referred to by dozens of billionaires, all of whom actively believe that they are where they are -- more than for any other reason --because they ask for what they want more than anyone around them.

Do you really think you know more than our
self-made billionaires about how to get what you want?

This one single page contains an exquisite nugget of information that will alter and better your life by orders of magnitude; just this one page alone. It's not whether or not you're smart enough to understand it -- not by a long shot. It comes to whether you're smart enough to make use of it in the next sixty minutes -- in order to gain enormously larger benefits in the next sixty minutes.

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   Those who profit from this information are obligated to give my share to feed those who can't feed themselves.
Any description of the power of democracy will include a reminder of the least among us.
Those with more have a responsibility to help out those who cannot help themselves.

In Memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm, and a dedicated student, known to many as MisterShortcut   
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The Power Of Democracy - the Path of Better Shortcuts On Your Right and Obligation To Vote

The Power Of Democracy - the Path of Better Shortcuts insists upon your right and also your obligation to vote. As a citizen of what is described as a democracy, your right to vote, along with your obligation to vote, must be protected and expanded as much as possible, extending not only to you, but as well to your neighbors. Engage in the power of democracy by demanding YOUR right and your obligation to vote. If you personally do not protect your right to vote, then why bother with your obligation to vote?

If you yourself are unwilling to protect and defend your right to vote,
if you and those around you are unwilling to protect and tout your obligation to vote,
perhaps you'll be kind enough to take the time to advise the rest of us just who will do so.
Whoever you THOUGHT would defend your right to vote and your obligation to vote, apparently left the building.
You're the one on deck, my friend; it's not enough to watch and be grateful for your neighbor protecting your right to vote.
That's because, in these times, as many people as there are who appear to be defending your right to vote,
as many as half of these people are poseurs, or posers, a nice way to say "lying fakers/imposters."
That's right; people who PRETEND to be defending your right to vote and your children's right to vote,
are in fact fourth columnists who have either personal interest in depriving you of that right,
or people who are simply not developed enough to understand that they're being used by others.
Stop waiting for other people to protect your rights, including your right to vote.
A most important reminder is that it is not merely a "right" to vote.
In fact, you have a legal obligation to vote. That right must stand.
That right to vote must be protected, so too the obligation.
Save your rights today. Get involved today. Recruit someone today.
This is the time and the place and the opportunity to look at what's critical.
Rest assured that your right to vote and your obligation to vote are actually critical.

How about using the Path of Better Shortcuts to exercise YOUR power of democracy?
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When you click this food button and the one that pops open you save a human life... at no charge to you.
There is no more noble effort within the Path of Better Shortcuts.   What goes around....

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Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, whether creature or human, within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to remediate the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.

Share the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts today.
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How you spend your minutes shows how you're spending your life.
You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you wish.
All masters of success can verify these master secrets of life.
The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you.
Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct?
Act the way you want to be to become the way you act.
When you imitate the great masters of this universe,
you imitate the results of these great role models.
PowerGems are of the masters of this universe.
You know more than those who still do more?
Speaking less, and doing more, is yours.
Share the Path of Healthiest Living.
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Considering that the Path of Better Shortcuts is presented to you as one of the world's healthiest websites,
where the Path of Better Shortcuts offers the best shortcuts to success used by masters and millionaires,
combining together to pursue the concept of being the world's healthiest and wealthiest websites,
you may actually be bright enough to understand that none of this wisdom, at the end of the day,
is the wisdom of MisterShortcut. These are the methods of the most successful human beings,
those who live stronger for longer, those who use great shortcuts to succeed more...
The brilliance of MisterShortcut, in fulfilling Einstein's definition of genius,
... the willingness to take an infinite number of pains
an infinite number of times,

you may deign to learn more at the Path of Better Shortcuts in order to learn more, live more and give more.
A goal of the Path of Better Shortcuts is for you to find the healthiest shortcuts and health tips of Longevity,
using them endlessly to live healthier and wealthier, live happier and more fulfilled with these healthier tips.
The Path of Better Shortcuts is a big portion of the largest and most empowering Path of Better Shortcuts .