So-potent shortcuts only fail when we fail to use them.

No one on this planet is going to live your life for you,
or feel the fears and joys that are waiting for you. Stop being so damned afraid of living.
Your fear of success is tiny compared to your fear of succeeding, and your life is proof of this.
When did you last do something exciting or fulfilling or loving? No one says you have to take risks.
No one is insinuating that you need to lower the priorities of your income or family life or schoolwork.
You are currently wasting many thousands of minutes per month; minutes far better invested in building your life.
That's right: thousands of minutes every month; most of them on petty, mindlessly empty conversations about other people.
Stop!     STOP!     Close your mouth long enough to listen to even one human being who is doing better than you are.
Don't limit yourself to MisterShortcut, or to the Path of Better Shortcuts exclusively, or any other one source.
  The point is that whatever it is you are doing in your personal or work life, someone's doing better.  
No need to be envious; that's entirely wasteful and brings you zero benefit or profit.
Unless you're the best on earth at what you do, in which case we already know,
or, more importantly, YOU already know, in which case you'd not be here,
there are people doing better than you in any field you choose.
Prove that you're smart enough to learn from any of them.
Prove that you are capable of superior intellect,
by learning from dozens or hundreds of them.
Prove that you're a genius quite quickly,
by imitating them one hundred times,
in one hundred days or less.
The payoffs are munificent.
and they're guaranteed.
Let's go for yours.
Let's do it now,
w/ shortcuts.

Not even your most cherished family member can yield your most so-potent shortcuts.
This is an internal gig.

Welcome to the world's most exciting and so-potent website,
with Mr_Shortcut
Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectations always and without fail lead to higher productivity.
If you believe in you just one-tenth as much as Mr-Shortcut does,
you're already committed to making today a bit more exciting,
a bit more filled with a determination to excel.

YOU determine the value of
just as you determine the value... or lack... in each day.

Health and Wealth Shortcuts Empowering You To Empower Yourself
Welcome to the fantastically empowered world of MisterShortcut, helping you to help yourself
Where there is greed, you will always find suffering not too far away. Let's even the board a bit

The greatest shortcuts are those that work approximately every time.
Imitating the people who most often and most successfully use shortcuts,
we find an inevitable progression towards the greatest achievements of life.

ALL masters and millionaires use shortcuts. Interestingly, while most are passed on to them, each develops their own!
EXAMPLE: If you, as a carpenter, realize you can draw a straight line by using tip of middle finger as a "locking guide,"

... you can pass that on to your children and grandchildren or local protege(s), or, you can keep it to yourself.
If that incredibly useful secret - used any number of times in 5 decades since learning it, aren't shared,
then the next generation of would-be expert carpenters will need to find or develop it from scratch.

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you're skilled at? SOMEONE likely taught you a shortcut, hm?

That tends to impels from within, naturally, a drive to pay thanks in the proper way.
Since we cannot pay our mentors back, as they're gone, or have no need for it,
does it not make more sense to pay it forward, empowering next generation?
While you're here, a sweet Path of Better Shortcuts awesome HealthGem:

EVERYONE, male or female, requires some level of testosterone.
NATURALLY build it some 10 to 20% in just sixty seconds-ish!
Raising your arms in what is know as power pose, that's it!
Yet, your Path of Healthiest Living suggests even more,
because profiting repeatedly from one effort is sweet.

Why not use both hands in that minute to brush hair?
Develop both arms equally, fingers, and a bit more.
Brushing our hair with two hands is a PowerGem,
master secret that yields benefit again & again.
Ergo, power pose for testosterone boosting,
while brushing hair 100x in each direction.

You might also practice deep breathing.
See? THAT\s what we call Cohenology:
Simultaneous use of the very best.

Path of Better Shortcuts Invitation You Never Forget
(or have to go anywhere for, you're already here :-) )

Of all the invitations you've received in your life, Path of Better Shortcuts proposes you need not even leave this page...
to embrace the invitation to learn the core and majority of instant access to instant, accurate testing, allergy REVERSE, far more.

Next up, something you SHOULD have learned as a child.
Please teach this to every likeable kid you ever meet.
'Game-changer' is, at the least, an underestimation

No human can licitly claim to be educated without knowing how to do the one-second energy test.
If you sincerely believe that you enjoy above-average intelligence, or just superior education alone,
you are one-conditionally guaranteed to find this one of the most astonishing lessons of YOUR life.
The one condition, as with all the supercharging devices MisterShortcut developed with Dr. Cohen:
that you speak less and do more, by YOU PERSONALLY doing the one-second test with someone.

Never mind that it's based on the world's only patent involving a human body part, no kidding.
Never mind that MD's use this test to determine exquisitely precisely correct medical dosages.
You're asked to focus on one thing, and only one thing: YOU doing the test. - Learn the one-second energy test - get smarter forever!
181 IQ, advanced degrees, 18,800-plus books read, hundreds of devices studied, a dozen invented,
and yet nothing, not even Bodyscan or Ondamed or their descendants, nothing is close to QRA for accuracy.
Among the ten smartest things a human can do is practice this one-second energy test we call QRA testing.
When you see NO ONE can hold thumb & finger tight while cellphone is held against the body, surprise.
When you see you cannot hold your o-ring tight while simply pinching a power cord, concern, yes?
Not 1 in 1,000,000 humans can hold o-ring tight while POINTING at fridge or fusebox. Learn!

Another of the many, many uses of the one-second energy test: See what happens when food is near you.Works with electronics, food, clothing, everything: Hold it against your body, test other hand. Full stop.Either you can continue holding your other hand's o-ring strong, or you will be unable to clench it at all.
-If something makes you weak just from being NEAR you, do you really want it INSIDE of you?

QRA is the medicine of the future. Having QRA testing in your knowledge box is a game-changer.

Health and Wealth Shortcuts Empowering You To Empower Yourself
Welcome to the fantastically empowered world of MisterShortcut, helping you to help yourself
Where there is greed, you will always find suffering not too far away. Let's even the board a bit

MisterShortcut has a plan, to help you become the best you can.
With the Path of Healthiest Living, MisterShortcut knows,
you can better put on the very best of YOUR shows.
Your life is a show, and you are on your stage,
the Path of Healthiest Living turns your page.

You are the writer, director, executive producer ... and star of the show.
While we can't control all events, your response is YOURS to create.
Throughout history, masters and millionaires have developed secrets, hm?
Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to use as many of them as you can.

Engage the best of your shortcuts every day,
to begin YOUR version of the Path of Healthiest Living ' better way.
MisterShortcut and many others can help you to better help yourself,
the Path of Healthiest Living doesn't work... sitting up on the shelf.

Like a hammer or other tool we choose,
your Path of Healthiest Living requires use.

MisterShortcut is here, then, to help you highlight your better way,
thanks to those who chose to teach us how we might better play,
so every A.M. opens a Path of Healthiest Living kind of day.
Permit masters and champions to be our cornerstones!
Let MisterShortcut help you to help yourself each day.
The Path of Healthiest Living exists to build wealth,
meaning mastery that brings to you YOUR wants,
as Path of Better Shortcuts helps keep health.
Who shows best clearly knows best
Imitating long-lived people works out well!

Reversing EMF (Megaphotons) alters life!
Instead of underestimating emf damage,
prove it, with a one-second energy test.
Nothing's like QRA, a rara avis "Best!"

Masters and millionaires are the root, the beginning of imitating the very best.
Dive deeply into the world of MisterShortcut's study of champions and billionaires,
interviewing, working with or for, breaking bread with, and, most of all, imitating.

When we imitate the people already doing it better habitually, we're on the path.
The most golden path a human can travel and traverse is one of self-expansion.

Getting better and better with every day, in most each and every way?
Akin to health, it's far more a choice than a chance!

Here is where the greatest success shortcuts for health and wealth,
unfold to help you to help yourself.

Read between the lines of Shapetalk,
because Shapetalk yields more meaning,
more levels, more shortcuts, more 'angles,"
all designed to help you to empower yourself.
There is no empowerment like self-empowerment.

Every pioneer into mastery develops big shortcuts,
the secrets that save us time in striving to get better.
The commitment to getting at least one percent better?
When it's followed through with action a hundred times...
and another hundred, and even unto a thousand and beyond...
we see mostly inevitable manifestation of the best possible you.
Glean more from your greatest success shortcuts, day after day,
and we'll see more and better of YOUR greatest achievements.

Ultimately, success is not attainable accidentally. True, or not?
Only by intention, goal-setting, and ceaselessly improving repetition,
can we confidently anticipate arriving at the top level of ladders climbed.
When you notice that most masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires,
with remarkable similarity, break big goals into smaller, more digestible pieces,
you grasp the cornerstone concept of HOW to go about achieving YOUR goals.
Never let a big goal sit untouched. Divide it, in writing, into pieces.

Succeeding is about maximum use of great shortcuts.

MrShortcut seduces you into the net's most exciting and so-potent website,
the Path of Better Shortcuts is larger than any human can ever review alone...

Go ahead and tap any keyboard character
(upper- OR lower-case) for another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment and EyeCandy

If you're thrilled with everything in your life, change nothing.
How could so-potent shortcuts help somebody just like yourself?

If you are not thrilled with at least most of your life,
use the Path of Better Shortcuts and Dr Path of Better Shortcuts,
because you'll find them to be more than so-potent shortcuts,
they are the Path of Better Shortcuts way of life.

the Path of Better Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires for success in human endeavors,
the Path of Better Shortcuts for living stronger for longer - living naturally..

Health Index For the Path of Better Shortcuts

More So-potent Shortcuts From Your Path of Better Shortcuts

911day Photos - Tribute To Friends

Learn more so you can earn more, with the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Teach yourself to learn more, with Your Path of Better Shortcuts.
Designed and developed for your greater potential by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You

Each of us has a Path of Better Shortcuts inside of us; it's a function of childhood.

You knew precisely what was required to get what you wanted.

One day, you suddenly forgot, and never even noticed.
You became aware of yourself socio-sexually, and forgot.
Re-embracing the Path of Better Shortcuts is like coming home.
If you were the type of person strong enough to visit the child within you,
you would remember once again that asking seven times is a near-perfect power.
If you are going to open your mouth, make sure it has something to do with resolution.
Between you and your stated desire or goal, there are obstacles. Focus always on resolution.
In the first twenty-two days of doing so, you are likely to double nearly everything in your life.

This is your time, this is your place,
There is no better time to excel.

Shh. Embrace the best shortcuts of Masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and provably YOUR best Shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy. the Path of Better Shortcuts is free for your life.

Regrettably, only IE and compatible browsers can see most of the EyeCandy.
Have no fear. A) There are hundreds of thousands of EyeCandy bits.
B) PowerGems are what you need to find here.
With millions of pages, find plenty of PowerGems.

So-potent Shortcuts

So-potent shortcuts on the vine,
yearning to be yielded in the passage of our time.

So-potent shortcuts all around
look and take yourself to town.
Carry and marry each with joy,
for each is much more than just a complementary toy.
So-potent shortcuts work best when used,
and always work best when used by you.
So-potent shortcuts pushed by time,
pluck them fresh from yonder vine.
So-potent shortcuts to the end,
all for you, this means to send.
YOUR so-potent shortcuts.

Pay for the Path of Better Shortcuts without spending a dime! Talk about mutual benefit!!

Let the Path of Better Shortcuts help you to help yourself.
Designed and created with enormous affection for your untapped potential.
Rich with Shapelinks and EyeCandy to seduce your interest by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You

These are the best shorcuts and shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and without a doubt YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy. the Path of Better Shortcuts and Dr Path of Better Shortcuts,
along with more than a thousand additional Masters and Millionaires websites,
all by the hands of your Godfather of EyeCandy, the prolific MisterShortcut,
are all here for your life because you are a giant in the making.

Stop underestimating what you're capable of. You have 1,440 minutes per day to show it.

Health and Wealth Shortcuts Empowering You To Empower Yourself
Welcome to the fantastically empowered world of MisterShortcut, helping you to help yourself
Where there is greed, you will always find suffering not too far away. Let's even the board a bit

The greatest shortcuts are those that work approximately every time.
Imitating the people who most often and most successfully use shortcuts,
we find an inevitable progression towards the greatest achievements of life.

ALL masters and millionaires use shortcuts. Interestingly, while most are passed on to them, each develops their own!
EXAMPLE: If you, as a carpenter, realize you can draw a straight line by using tip of middle finger as a "locking guide,"

... you can pass that on to your children and grandchildren or local protege(s), or, you can keep it to yourself.
If that incredibly useful secret - used any number of times in 5 decades since learning it, aren't shared,
then the next generation of would-be expert carpenters will need to find or develop it from scratch.

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you're skilled at? SOMEONE likely taught you a shortcut, hm?

That tends to impels from within, naturally, a drive to pay thanks in the proper way.
Since we cannot pay our mentors back, as they're gone, or have no need for it,
does it not make more sense to pay it forward, empowering next generation?
While you're here, a sweet Path of Better Shortcuts awesome HealthGem:

EVERYONE, male or female, requires some level of testosterone.
NATURALLY build it some 10 to 20% in just sixty seconds-ish!
Raising your arms in what is know as power pose, that's it!
Yet, your Path of Healthiest Living suggests even more,
because profiting repeatedly from one effort is sweet.

Why not use both hands in that minute to brush hair?
Develop both arms equally, fingers, and a bit more.
Brushing our hair with two hands is a PowerGem,
master secret that yields benefit again & again.
Ergo, power pose for testosterone boosting,
while brushing hair 100x in each direction.

You might also practice deep breathing.
See? THAT\s what we call Cohenology:
Simultaneous use of the very best.

Path of Better Shortcuts Invitation You Never Forget
(or have to go anywhere for, you're already here :-) )

Of all the invitations you've received in your life, Path of Better Shortcuts proposes you need not even leave this page...
to embrace the invitation to learn the core and majority of instant access to instant, accurate testing, allergy REVERSE, far more.

Next up, something you SHOULD have learned as a child.
Please teach this to every likeable kid you ever meet.
'Game-changer' is, at the least, an underestimation

No human can licitly claim to be educated without knowing how to do the one-second energy test.
If you sincerely believe that you enjoy above-average intelligence, or just superior education alone,
you are one-conditionally guaranteed to find this one of the most astonishing lessons of YOUR life.
The one condition, as with all the supercharging devices MisterShortcut developed with Dr. Cohen:
that you speak less and do more, by YOU PERSONALLY doing the one-second test with someone.

Never mind that it's based on the world's only patent involving a human body part, no kidding.
Never mind that MD's use this test to determine exquisitely precisely correct medical dosages.
You're asked to focus on one thing, and only one thing: YOU doing the test. - Learn the one-second energy test - get smarter forever!
181 IQ, advanced degrees, 18,800-plus books read, hundreds of devices studied, a dozen invented,
and yet nothing, not even Bodyscan or Ondamed or their descendants, nothing is close to QRA for accuracy.
Among the ten smartest things a human can do is practice this one-second energy test we call QRA testing.
When you see NO ONE can hold thumb & finger tight while cellphone is held against the body, surprise.
When you see you cannot hold your o-ring tight while simply pinching a power cord, concern, yes?
Not 1 in 1,000,000 humans can hold o-ring tight while POINTING at fridge or fusebox. Learn!

Another of the many, many uses of the one-second energy test: See what happens when food is near you.Works with electronics, food, clothing, everything: Hold it against your body, test other hand. Full stop.Either you can continue holding your other hand's o-ring strong, or you will be unable to clench it at all.
-If something makes you weak just from being NEAR you, do you really want it INSIDE of you?

QRA is the medicine of the future. Having QRA testing in your knowledge box is a game-changer.

Health and Wealth Shortcuts Empowering You To Empower Yourself
Welcome to the fantastically empowered world of MisterShortcut, helping you to help yourself
Where there is greed, you will always find suffering not too far away. Let's even the board a bit

MisterShortcut has a plan, to help you become the best you can.
With the Path of Healthiest Living, MisterShortcut knows,
you can better put on the very best of YOUR shows.
Your life is a show, and you are on your stage,
the Path of Healthiest Living turns your page.

You are the writer, director, executive producer ... and star of the show.
While we can't control all events, your response is YOURS to create.
Throughout history, masters and millionaires have developed secrets, hm?
Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to use as many of them as you can.

Engage the best of your shortcuts every day,
to begin YOUR version of the Path of Healthiest Living ' better way.
MisterShortcut and many others can help you to better help yourself,
the Path of Healthiest Living doesn't work... sitting up on the shelf.

Like a hammer or other tool we choose,
your Path of Healthiest Living requires use.

MisterShortcut is here, then, to help you highlight your better way,
thanks to those who chose to teach us how we might better play,
so every A.M. opens a Path of Healthiest Living kind of day.
Permit masters and champions to be our cornerstones!
Let MisterShortcut help you to help yourself each day.
The Path of Healthiest Living exists to build wealth,
meaning mastery that brings to you YOUR wants,
as Path of Better Shortcuts helps keep health.
Who shows best clearly knows best
Imitating long-lived people works out well!

Reversing EMF (Megaphotons) alters life!
Instead of underestimating emf damage,
prove it, with a one-second energy test.
Nothing's like QRA, a rara avis "Best!"

Masters and millionaires are the root, the beginning of imitating the very best.
Dive deeply into the world of MisterShortcut's study of champions and billionaires,
interviewing, working with or for, breaking bread with, and, most of all, imitating.

When we imitate the people already doing it better habitually, we're on the path.
The most golden path a human can travel and traverse is one of self-expansion.

Getting better and better with every day, in most each and every way?
Akin to health, it's far more a choice than a chance!

Here is where the greatest success shortcuts for health and wealth,
unfold to help you to help yourself.

Read between the lines of Shapetalk,
because Shapetalk yields more meaning,
more levels, more shortcuts, more 'angles,"
all designed to help you to empower yourself.
There is no empowerment like self-empowerment.

Every pioneer into mastery develops big shortcuts,
the secrets that save us time in striving to get better.
The commitment to getting at least one percent better?
When it's followed through with action a hundred times...
and another hundred, and even unto a thousand and beyond...
we see mostly inevitable manifestation of the best possible you.
Glean more from your greatest success shortcuts, day after day,
and we'll see more and better of YOUR greatest achievements.

Ultimately, success is not attainable accidentally. True, or not?
Only by intention, goal-setting, and ceaselessly improving repetition,
can we confidently anticipate arriving at the top level of ladders climbed.
When you notice that most masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires,
with remarkable similarity, break big goals into smaller, more digestible pieces,
you grasp the cornerstone concept of HOW to go about achieving YOUR goals.
Never let a big goal sit untouched. Divide it, in writing, into pieces.

Succeeding is about maximum use of great shortcuts.

So-potent shortcuts on the vine,
yearning to be yielded in the passage of our time.

So-potent shortcuts all around
look and take yourself to town.
Carry and marry each with joy,
for each is much more than just a complementary toy.
So-potent shortcuts work best when used,
and always work best when used by you.
So-potent shortcuts pushed by time,
pluck them fresh from yonder vine.
So-potent shortcuts to the end,
all for you, this means to send.
YOUR so-potent shortcuts.

Health Index - Path of Better Shortcuts

Wealth Index For the Path of Better Shortcuts

Return to the top of this Path of Better Shortcuts page

Golden Losers and Golden Winners - Which Group Are YOU In?
Golden Losers and Golden Winners - Actions Tell Us More Than Words!

Excellence and mastery at pretty much any endeavor you may choose to understake,
have proven in the lives of countless Path of Healthiest Living adherents to be
more of a choice than a chance! Live YOUR Path of Healthiest Living. Whatever you do, get one percent better ... many times.

Both the Path of Healthiest Living and Path of Better Shortcuts are, effectively, observant repetition of tiny steps.

Vast changes occur with a single step that is repeated with an eye to improving.
Electrify everything in you do with any individual Path of Better Shortcuts PowerGems.
Tiny steps lead to improvements that are staggering in scope when you repeat them each day.
Do more with what you already know. This one feature effectively reduces the time requirement
for nearly everything you do. Never again underestimate YOUR ability and power to affect time.
Not only is this a key feature and function of success,
your life gets immediately and often profoundly affected as well.

Not the least of these numerous benefits is the ability to to accomplish the same things in considerably less time.
Success is that highest state, that happiness that is, at the core, not so easily described with words,
because each of us has a completely unique view of just what success actually is.    It's personal.

And yet today, guaranteeing such success is mathematically possible with the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Each PowerGem within the Path of Better Shortcuts works by itself, powerfully, repeatedly.
Any combination of PowerGems, used precisely as described, produces fast results.
So far, we haven't found any worthwhile exceptions to this concrete rule.

There are so many shortcuts available for you to make use of.

When have you recognized, just for one example of many instant resources to power,
that you have the ability to ask a question not merely from a bright librarian or a Harvard professor,
no, you get to ask so very many millions of computers your question,
because that is precisely what you do when you go to a search engine.
You're asking millions and more millions of computers in hundreds of languages, covering every known subject.

Experts are an excellent source, ONLY as long as THEY are personally doing it at world-class.
We generally recognize them as masters or millionaires, champions or billionaires.
Everyone else is full of crapulous invective,   technobabble,   or the blatherskite of excuses,
because the only people who genuinely know better... ... are those who do better... repeatedly.

Embrace the Path of Better Shortcuts || Masters and Millionaires Great Secrets to Success