Shortcuts To Becoming A Millionaire
Ruby's Rubies How many times in your life have you planned out an event in advance? In each of these cases, you decided precisely what you wanted, who you wanted, and then wrote them down, didn't you? ... & then did whatever was necessary to achieve your aim. If you're like the majority of people, you have several VERY VALID reasons for not treating your life and your long-term wants & desires the same way. What those reasons are, I do not know, nor do I care. Our only care is about determining exactly what it is you want in your life, and how we're going to make it happen for you in the next 30 months or less.A mere 1000 days. Even if you want to be an expert in brain surgery, when we take a step back from the instant gratification we've become so wrapped up in, and divide The most difficult goal on earth into a thousand smaller pieces, surely you'll agree there is no limit to our potential for achievement and accomplishment. I can't help but wonder if that's why most weddings are excellent and successful... while most marriages end up being less than excellent and successful. Is there a connection here, or am I crazy? You got there ON PURPOSE: you Decided to take a shower; you went into your room, got undressed, grabbed a towel, etc., & PURPOSELY ended up precisely where you'd intended: the shower!! And that's the whole purpose of this document: We do very few things by accident. Millions of times each second, your brain makes decisions based on the - are you ready for this? - thousands of billions of bits of data flowing through your internal computer system! the Reticular Activating System in the back of your head, also referred to as the "Secretary of the Human Mind" examines roughly eight MILLION bits of data every single second, deciding whether to bring it to your conscious attention, or merely store it In The Path of Better Shortcuts"downstairs storage" of the subconscious. I'm asking YOU a question: If the answer is "No," then please explain to the face in your mirror precisely why you have written out shopping lists, invitation lists, book lists, booze lists, vacation clothing lists, holiday lists, and more... but don't seem to have the time to plan out how you're going to live the rest of your life. Is one of us stupid here? If I'm at all offensive, then please, accept my lack of apology: I'm only responding to the fact that only 4 to 5 of every 100 people on this earth take the trouble to actually try for excellence in their lives. Maybe you're in that 4 or 5 percent. The next 21 days will tell us clearly. One thing I unconditionally guarantee: Investment of literally 1% of your time (14 minutes pr day) for 21 straight days will yield an improvement of no less than 10 - 50% in every area of your life that you commit to paper, in the form of goals and "action plans." |
Stop wasting time majoring in minors. Let's start using shortcuts immediately.
For example, each day of your life has a certain number of fully wasted minutes,
Minutes you can reclaim immediately for far more useful investment on your behalf.
Every time you get into a conversation with someone, take note of what you speak about.
When you find yourself outside of the zone that's most useful to you, shorten your chat.
Wise people discuss ideas, average people discuss events, mediocre people discuss other people.
That's a fantastic place to start, because talking about other people has little profit.
That doesn't mean you eliminate every minute of just unwinding with a bit of gab.
What it does mean is a reduction of minutes that are perfectly wasteful.
While "perfect" is a nice word, "wasteful" is not quite so.
Most of your minutes are yours to do with as you wish.
By trimming wasteful minutes just a few at a time,
you instantly reap more minutes to wisely use.
Let's make this change effective right now.
Every conversation, keep this in focus.
Every conversation, trim a minute.
This alone returns, over time,
many thousands of minutes.
Think you could use them?
PowerGems: the Path of Better Shortcuts PowerGems,
the world's universal shortcuts that always work!
Before you move further, you should know this:
Path of Better Shortcuts PowerGems work,
approximately 100 percent of the time,
for about 100 percent of the users,
who use them 100 times each.
Join the circle of winners.
At the bottom of every page of there is love.
At core of all that is presented here, a wish and hope and set of expectations.
Expect more from yourself, just as the Path of Better Shortcuts expects more of you,
and you will find that many seemingly unrelated areas of your life get to enjoy the fruits.
Greater expectations inevitably leads to greater efforts, which always lead to greater yields.
If you have not gone to or for your share of so much free money,
then perhaps you are financially secure already without anyone else's assistance.
If, however, you are not where you wish to be financially, pay visits to such sites.
Not only will the government give you free money, there are angels, too.
"Angels" are people with money who wish to invest in other humans.
Profit is appreciated by these people, who secondarize profit.
Whatever you most want, let's get busy working on it, now.
The Path of Better Shortcuts works 24 hours per day, hm?
In fact, the Path of Better Shortcuts works as you do.
Allow the next twenty-four hours to be full of minutes,
or make them be full of the Path of Better Shortcuts.
Allow those 1,440 minutes to be your opportunities.
Filled with love, the Path of Better Shortcuts welcomes YOU.